
Cancel the Service

We don't want to say goodbye to you just yet…
But, we can definitely help you to cancel the service.
Here’s what you need to know if you want to cancel the service:
You can initiate the cancellation process either through our self-serve platform (website or application) or by contacting our customer support team.
On your cancellation date, you will receive an email from us.
If you are on a monthly plan, the email subject will be "PhoneBox Termination & Refund Method." Please follow the instructions in the email to provide your preferred refund method. The amount calculated based on your cancellation date will be refunded to you.
If you are on a prepaid plan, the email subject will be "Your account with PhoneBox is officially closed." Unfortunately, prepaid plans are non-refundable.
How to cancel the service through our self-serve
Navigate to the PhoneBox website or launch the App.
Sign in to your account.
Locate and select the Plan menu.
Select the option to <Cancel My Services>
Click the button labeled <Cancel My Services>
Select the date on which you would like the cancellation to take effect, and specify the reason for the cancellation. Then, click <Confirm> to proceed.
Confirm the cancellation by selecting <Yes> on the confirmation pop-up window.
If you can see the <Upcoming Changes> section on the Home menu, the scheduled termination has been set up successfully.